Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

At 2:15 Casey Anthony was found not guilty on several counts. Including not guilty of first degree murder, and guilty of voluntary manslaughter. She was however found guilty of the lesser counts of lesser counts of lying to law enforcement. Her parents George and Cindy Anthony walked out of the courtroom with no reaction at all to the jurors decision.

During the trial this family has been very hard to read. At times it seemed that they did have a bad relationship(Casey constantly rolling her eyes and showing disregard while they sat on the witness stand crying) and at others it seemed like a perfect bond between father and child. More than likely when Casey goes to court on Thursday she will be processed and released. Since she has already spent years in jail awaiting the trial she will probably get time served. My personal opinion? I think that it is pretty obvious with the amount of evidence that she is guilty; but what you have to keep in mind is if there is any reasonable doubt within the jurors mind then they have to find her not guilty; and anyone who has followed the case knows that there is no DNA or direct forensic evidence that ties her to the case. So was justice served? You be the judge.


  1. Stopping by from Time Travel Tuesday. I stumbled, followed, and Google +1 you! My post is http://practicalfrugality.blogspot.com/2011/06/why-book-reviews-are-important.html

  2. I've leaned toward her being guilty, but like you I agree that if there was reasonable doubt, the jury had no choice. I just wish the media would focus more on the child that was lost rather than this trial and the media circus it has become! Stopping by from the Fun Tuesday Hop and am now a follower! You can find me
    Yankee Texan Mom , or Mama's Money Tree

  3. New follower from Tuesday is Over Blog Hop ~ very informative blog ~ thanks ~ ^_^

  4. I agree at times I think that people sometimes loose sight of what the real issue at hand is; but at the same time I think that everyone was so intrigued by it because at the end of the day no one really knows what happened but the Anthony family. So many lies and secrets....

  5. Hi there, I found you through the Chic N Savvy hop and am a new follower.

    I am really enjoying your blog. It is a breath of fresh air for me. I am on a weight loss mission so I usually stick to weight issue blogs. I am looking forward to hanging out more at The Hangout Spot :)

  6. Here from the Chicnsavvy hop- so glad I came by- love your blog! Your background is my all time favorite! Gorgeous!
    I've been watching the trial- today I cried- SOMEONE killed little Caylee- positive Casey hadher in trunk- there should have been a guilty verdict-I think when the jurors see what we've had access to- they will be horrified they voted not guilty!
    hope you will stop by and follow back when you have time:) baby pics got me- so cute!
